Shroud of Turin: Show Us The Text

(Image from Wikimedia Commons.)

Again, more hype about the supposed Aramaic on the Shroud of Turin (which I mentioned in an earlier blog post). As such I have hesitated to comment yet again. Now, however, every news source is very loud about this “new” discovery.

All I have to say at this point is: Please reveal to us the text.

I have not been able to see a single image of it on the whole of the Internet, so until visual contact has been established, I will remain a tad bit skeptical. 🙂


5 thoughts on “Shroud of Turin: Show Us The Text

  1. My apologies to Antonio Lombatti. The number of links that were added onto this post caused my spider to mark it as spam and delete it. I’ve re-posted the comment:

    Antonio Lombatti wrote:

    So, to begin with, the first Hebrew letters you mentioned months ago are here:
    Then, latest sightings:
    Getting shadows that may look like letters can be easily achieved with any picture using Photoshop:
    Even Turin Shroud supporters label this work as science fiction. In fact it is. Finally, this is what the 1978 official Shroud photographer says about the image enhancement used to spot “the letters”:

    In short, 99% of what is written about the Turin Shroud and presumed amazing discoveries can be put in the field of pseudo-science.

  2. I agree with Steve. This sounds like another Catholic Church mystery announcement. Someone imagines they have seen Aramaic letters on the Turin Shroud. The Aramaic letters are not announced or given to other Aramaic scholars. Nobody can see the shroud. Nobody independent can examine the letters for themselves. How can this be to the benefit of Aramaic scholarship? Yet thousands will now believe that the Turn Shroud contains some mysterious Aramaic lettering, and speculation will abound about what the Aramaic says.

  3. I’d totally forgotten about this artifact until I recently read a novel which played off “actual” theories that it is the burial shroud of martyred Templar Jacques de Molay.

    Is that theory taken seriously at all?

  4. Given the new shroud discovery, the shroud of the leper (from the house of Caiaphas?) who died of tuberculosis which was of a simple weave rather than the twill weave of the Turin Shroud, I think we can dismiss any Aramaic letters on the Turin Shroud as an artifact of modern imaging technology.
    The team of Italian skeptics who produced a modern ‘shroud’ might add evidence against this by showing similar artefacts on their shroud.

    Be Well,
    Bob Griffin

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