Gospel of Mark Collation

Working on The Aramaic Words Translation has stalled. This is mostly due to a matter of tools to work with, as in my attempts at reconstruction I’ve had to flip back and forth between several sources to look over all extant Aramaic versions of the New Testament alongside their Greek counterparts. As a result, I realize that I’ve — once again — put the cart before the horse, and I need to take a step back and work on some tools to aid my translation efforts.

As such, I’m going to be refocusing my efforts upon collating Aramaic versions of the New Testament, one chapter at a time along with general translations of each source and as I come across quirks I’ll have a good place to refer to them.

The first chapter of Mark is presently what’s on my plate, and I’m now in the process of formatting it for use on this website. We’ll see how it goes. 🙂


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