This 10-week course is a basic introduction to Galilean Aramaic, a member of the Western Aramaic family, best known as the language of Jesus of Nazareth and the Jerusalem Talmud.
This is the BETA version.
Please submit feedback directly in the comments.
As you use this course, things may change. Tests and quizzes may randomly reset or disappear and be replaced with other materials. Your feedback will be directly taken into account for those changes, so be sure to articulately express what you like as well as what you think could be better.
Once this course leaves Beta Testing: All students’ progress and grades will be reset, and the tests and quizzes re-written. Students can then choose to re-enroll in the course, and at that point completion will count as credit towards the Galilean Aramaic Online Certificate.
Introduction & Housekeeping
This section goes over the background of the language, and basics such as the alphabet and vowel system.
Pronouns & Nouns
We'll learn how to construct simple sentences in Galilean, and learn some useful phrases.
Verbs & Objects
We'll learn how verbs work in the Present Tense.
Basic Phrases
We'll learn some basic, everyday phrases.
We'll learn how to count from 1 to 1,000 - and from there to as high as we need to.
We'll learn the words for different foods and what one finds in a kitchen.
We'll learn the names of common pets and other animals.
The Final Unit Tests & Exam
Now you'll be tested on what you've learned. Good luck!
None of the topics are clickable on my iPhone.
From my own testing they *are* clickable, but the content doesn’t display properly because an iPhone screen is a bit too small. If you hold it in landscape orientation you might see some of it, but this is really best (at this point) for a desktop screen or a tablet.
I’m going to work with the style sheet to try and fix that.
Lately, every time I go to this web page I get the message ‘dangerous URL blocked’. The URL is Is that something to do with this site or is it something else? Should I be worried about it?
No, coinhive isn’t dangerous. It’s an alternative to hosting advertisements that some browsing software flags as a nuisance. If it continues to be a bother, I’ll remove it altogether.
My antivirus software keeps blocking this site as dangerous so I had to disable the security settings to be able to access this site…. I am trying to get them to remove it from their system as dangerous… I use Norton Security and up untilI installed the antivirus I never had trouble accessing this site. I hope that the servers will stop blocking this page and let me use it with all security features enabled. So it sounds like a server discrepancy.