Category Archives: Conversational Galilean

What Would You Like?

In this lesson we will learn how to ask someone else what they want and how questions are formed. As you can imagine, this is useful in a variety of contexts and is one of the mainstays of everyday conversation.
How it works
In Galilean, questions can be formed two ways:

  1. Questions can begin with an interrogative, such as [herod]mh[/herod] [trans]mAh[/trans] (="what"), [herod]man[/herod] [trans]mAn[/trans] (="who"), [herod]hAn[/herod] [trans]hAn[/trans] (="where"), or [herod]lmh . . .

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I Would Like…

Conversational Galilean 2

In this lesson we will go over how to make simple requests. These are phrases that come up often in speech and are one of the mainstays of everyday conversation.

(You will have to excuse me if the audio portion of this lesson is a bit scratchy. I’ve just got my voice back from a nasty head cold.)

Asking Informally

The first word that we should learn is the word for “please” which is:



It literally means “in request” and it comes from the verb  (“to ask” “to inquire”) which we learned in a previous lesson. The simplest way to ask for something is to name it, and follow it with . For example:


“Water, please.”

“An apple, please.”

“Bread, please.”

Asking Directly

A more direct way to request something, or to express a need or want is to use the verb directly. One must use the appropriate gender. For example: Continue reading

My Name Is…

The following is how you ask what someone's name is in Galilean along with an explanation of a unique vowel occurrence in Galilean that we are able to discern from multiple examples in spelling.

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