Tag Archives: The Resurrection Tomb Mystery

Did Simcha Arrive Early to the Party?

He’s even wearing the same shirt.

So, among the images that have been posted on the Jesus Discovery website, I found three shots of Simcha Jacobovici that were taken back in 2005.

Because of this, I find myself scratching my beard in curiosity as to why they’re mixed in with other photos from a project that took place between 2009 and 2011 (which is where all of the other photos fall).

Granted, they’re nice shots — somewhat dramatic — but they are rather out of place.

Is this so-called “documentary magic”? 🙂


Aspect Adjustment on the Jonah Ossuary

So Robert Cargill posted another theory about the ball base of the figure on the Jonah Ossuary, which I believe is on the right track.

When I read over it, it suddenly hit me: Perspective.

So I did a bit of perspective adjustment, myself… and guess what I found?

Below are the steps I took, as well as the assumptions I’ve made:

Step 1:

The original image, labeled “no cgi.”

 Step 2:

I rotated it so that the border at the bottom was flat.
I believe that this was the intention of the artist
and is a safe assumption that it was meant to be a baseline.

I also marked the a stroke on the inscription
that I assume was meant to be vertical.
It runs right down the center of the figure.

 Step 3:

I then, adjusted the aspect so that the two lines were perpendicular.

 Step 4:

What does the “ball” at the base look like NOW?

 My Conclusion:

Something like this is my guess.
The base of a vessel.


UPDATE: This article may have disappeared for about 10-15 minutes due to a mistake I made with the new blogger interface. Needless to explain, it’s back. 🙂

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Further developments on the shape of the “head of Jonah” now show it to be quite flat, and that the image is much more vessel-like than fish like when taken in its proper aspect and size. See:

The entire figure corrected for aspect ratio and distortion:


How many of the photographs and reproductions aren’t faithful representations of what is actually on the ossuary:


The “Jonah Ossuary” Images Debunked

To quote Bob: “Fish don’t have handles.”
Click to enlarge and see.

Robert Cargill has posted a blog article that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exposes where the so-called “Jonah Ossuary” images were digitally manipulated. These manipulations were made to hide features that very plainly show that the “fish” are in fact pottery.

If that were not enough: 

Almost immediately after Bob posted this article (March 13 2012 @ 13:21, to be precise) the “The Jesus Discovery” blog (which is the official mouthpiece of Jacobovici and Tabor’s “findings”) pulled down one of the manipulated images to re-title replace it.

Needless to say, this is not how one deals properly with criticism, and this is not the first time that edits to the “findings” have been made without proper citation and documentation.

In the digital age, there is always a “paper trail” and those who are observant will find it. 🙂

The original image (#16 posted Feb 27 @ 21:42, subsequently deleted),
now image #61 posted Mar 14 @ 13:21.
Note the overlay for strokes that are not present in the image.
Please, click the image to enlarge and see for yourself.

Image #60, posted Mar 13 @ 18:07.
Please, click the image to enlarge and see for yourself.

UPDATE: The paper trail continues. At 18:07, the old image (where the “fish” outlines were doctored; previously #16 [deleted], and then #60 with un-doctored lines) was re-uploaded as image #61. I will be watching carefully to see if #60 is deleted.


More on “The Jesus Discovery” – A Fish? Nay.

I posted this over on the ASOR blog in the comments, but I feel I should also share it here in more elaboration:

What is this?

If you’re not aware, Simcha Jacobovici and James Tabor believe this is a fish. Specifically, the whale that swallowed Jonah. That “ball” at the bottom? They believe it’s Jonah’s head, wrapped in seaweed, being spat out upon land.

I believe that this is a better metaphor to understand the current problem with that conclusion:

(Especially pertaining to Jonah’s head. Or should I say ‘skull’? Wait until about 0:28 and you will see *precisely* what I mean).

(HT to Tom Verenna for an excellent infographic.)

That aside, in the proper orientation, the lines of different texture are most consistent with layered patterns produced by potters and glass workers ubiquitous to the era. (As many other scholars have pointed out.)

If this — as a fish — is “a first” (as Dr. Tabor calls it) even a casual observer should see a bright, red flag: If this is without precedent and we have nothing to compare it with, standard procedure is to observe extreme caution before we make any unusual or sensational claims.

As the matter stands, we have many, many examples of pottery and other vessels on ossuaries and they look more like this image than anything else (in structure, motif, and function). With that precedent, I would feel it’s the safer and more likely conclusion.

The “Fish Hypothesis” (on the other hand) requires treating the inscription’s details as a bit of a Rorschach, which flings us from the stage of scientific inquiry and thrusts us into a completely different field altogether.

No, not this Rorschach.
But if you messed with him, you might end up in an ossuary yourself.

UPDATE: Robert Cargill has written an amazing exposé on how the images have been altered digitally. I can only concur with his analysis as the hallmarks of photoshopping are all too prominent.

-Steve “I don’t see the skull” Caruso, MLIS

The Pre-Easter Update – Forgeries & Follies

Sensationalist Lenten offerings for your enjoyment. 🙂

Sorry for being on hiatus with all things blogging for a long while. Lots of family stuff has been going on (houses selling, people moving), I was sick for nearly all of January (rolling cold, flu and other unpleasantness), catching up on my business backlog nearly all of February, and starting a brand new project with my wife and my sister that will hopefully end in something awesome.

I hope to pick back up in time for the February top blogs list and get things back on the road.

Anyways, it’s Lent!
And do you know what that means?
Sensationalist Biblical news in the run-up to Easter! 😀

So far we’re off to a *great* start with two three things on our plate:

First, the Markan Fragment — the Under Glass Edition! — that looks like a Greek student’s doodle on a piece of mail-order papyrus. And I should know, I’ve done $%^& like that to unsuspecting people for fun and laughs [1][2][3][4]. 🙂

Many bloggers have chimed in with their doubts. I will add my voice to them: “CALL ME THOMAS! (no, not that Thomas; but I’m sure he agrees with me) I’M A DOUBTER!

Second, another “Golden Letters on Animal Hide” manuscript that supposedly predicts the coming of the Prophet Muhammed, and that some people think might be the lost Gospel of Barnabas, prove one world religion superior to another, solve Rubix cubes by itself, yadda yadda yadda

Let me put this bluntly: Vellum is expensive. Sharpie markers are cheap. Tourists will buy crap. Put all three of these together and you get your standard “golden letters on leather/animal hide trinket.” I have seen no fewer than 3 of these in the past 5 years (2 in pseudo-Syriac, 1 in copied Hebrew) and I will take a metaphorical bite out of my hat if the writing has no trace of modern (or at the very least seriously anachronistic) ink.

UPDATE:  Number 3! James Tabor and Simcha Jacobovici are also gearing up for another Lent release (last year it was the real nails of Jesus, remember?). James McGrath reports on Simcha’s latest grab for attention: “The Jesus Discovery.”

“This book documents a new archaeological discovery in a 1st century Jewish tomb in Jerusalem that relates to the earliest faith of Jesus’ followers. The tomb is located less than 200 feet away from the controversial Talpiot “Jesus family tomb,” raising the question of their relationship. Authors James Tabor and Simcha Jacobovici analyze the new discovery as well as its implications for understanding the Jesus tomb. Expect to be surprised at the conclusions.”

Really? … Really? …. *sigh*…

Then there is the old business of the Jordan Lead Codices — now with ugly leather covers! — which first appeared in full force a few Easters ago. As expected, nothing really new has happened. No earth-shattering revelations. No examples of anything to show they’re authentic (in fact, many examples that show how they’ve biffed it royally with these fakes; read all the back posts on this blog).

Just keep an eye out. I’d guarantee there will be another “tidbit” on these in the near future to try and grab some “Easter-share” away from the two three others I’ve mentioned.

In any case, I hope to be back to blogging soon. Until then!
