Sylvia Browne Aramaic Prayer Recap

Arem, Shem, Beth, Sedal, Sacrivalian, Ahad.
“Blessed be this Queen on high, Who is sacred to all that come to Her,” in Aramaic?

Over on there’s a third installment of the author’s quest against Browne’s “Aramaic prayer” claims [BROKEN LINK]. I have discussed this “prayer” earlier, here at The Aramaic Blog.


One thought on “Sylvia Browne Aramaic Prayer Recap

  1. Thanks for the plug, Mr. Caruso!

    It reminded me that I meant to include a link to your previous article. I will try to remember to do so later this evening.

    By the way, ever since I read your original article, I have been trying – to no avail – to work the phrase “sausage-maker’s amulet” into casual conversation.

    I also think it would make a great name for a death-metal band…

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