I’ve put together a quick demo of the Flashcards module from ARC101: An Introduction to Aramaic.
The last day for discounted preregistration is this Friday. From then on the course will only be offered at full price.
Enjoy. 🙂
I’ve put together a quick demo of the Flashcards module from ARC101: An Introduction to Aramaic.
The last day for discounted preregistration is this Friday. From then on the course will only be offered at full price.
Enjoy. 🙂
Want to learn Aramaic?
Sign up for the Introduction to Aramaic course today and enjoy first access to the lessons as they go up one at a time. Learn the basics of the Aramaic language in all its numerous dialects, build a core vocabulary of 500+ Aramaic words common to the many dialects, master grammar, and more through audio lectures, one-on-one course instructor support, and fully multimedia integrated lesson plans. Better still, do it at a discount by enrolling in “ARC101: An Introduction to Aramaic” before the full course hits the web!
Watch this space for sample lessons in the coming days. 🙂
So, being both modern-tech and digital communications savvy as well as deeply involved in the study of ancient languages and old-fashioned correspondence… my everyday life tends to express irony.
I was trying to log into one of the many SQL databases (which I manage through this nifty program called phpMyAdmin), and the program was consistently denying me access, telling me that my password was incorrect. Believing that I simply might be mistaken with what password I used, I went through my entire password repertoire…
No luck.
I then figured that I must have improperly capitalized things, so I made sure that my shift key wasn’t stuck, and that my caps-lock key was up. A number of “dots” later in the password field and…
No dice.
Now I was getting frustrated! I figured that the SQL server must be down, which would then mean, by way of logic, that the website that was driven by it would also be down. Fearing that was the case I had to check, so I clicked up on the URL field of my web browser and entered in the address:
It then dawned on me: I was typing with the Hebrew keyboard in the password field.
It was me who was not working…
Don’t let this happen to you. 🙂
PS: Challenge for techno-language-nerds like myself. 100 Points to whoever decodes the following cipher first:
א צאתהוליצ פריעסת אנד א ראבבי פינד תהעמסעלועס סיתתינג נעכת תו עאצה ותהער ונ א לונג חוורנעט אנד סו אפתער סומע העסיתאתיונ סתארת תו תאלכ תו עאצהותהער. אפתער דיסצוססינג תהע שעאתהער אנד ספורתס, תהע פריעסת תורנס תו תהע ראבבי אנד סאטס תהאת הע תהווגהת ית שאס ראתהער סתראנגע תהאת עה שאס נות אללושעד תו עאת פורכ, אנד אסכעד הימ שהעתהער הע עוער האד.
תהע ראבבי רעפליעד, ’שעלל, שהענ י שאס א סמאלל בוט, י דיד ינ פאצת תאסתע א סמאלל פיעצע ופ באצונ.’
’שהאת שאס ית ליכע?’ אסכעד תהע פריעסת.
תהע ראבבי רעפליעד: ’נות נעארלט אס גווד אס סעח.’
This particular tattoo I came across is “correct.” Well… the problem is that it’s too correct. Bear with me as I try and explain why.
Generally, when you look up a word in an Aramaic or Hebrew dictionary, things are organized by lemma. What is a lemma you ask? A very good question, as (ironically) most dictionaries define this term with even more lexical jargon. I would see things as:
For example, say you go to an English dictionary to look up the word “went.” For those who are well versed in English, it’s obvious to turn to the G section and look up the verb “go.” This is because by convention in English dictionaries, verbs are listed by their roots rather than by inflected forms. So, in this case, “go” would be the lemma for “went.”
Now in Aramaic, the system of lemmas is slightly different (as it is with every language), and furthermore, Aramaic lemmas may be different between dialects. A good example of such a difference occurs between Jewish and Syriac Aramaic, but to understand why you need to know that in Aramaic, nouns have three forms:
Where Jewish Aramaic linguists have cataloged their words in the Absolute state, Syriac Aramaic linguists have cataloged their words in the Emphatic. Why? In Syriac dialects, the Emphatic state, over time, lost its original use as a way to determine definiteness and became the “regular” base form for words in everyday speech. To them, it made more sense to organize things by what was used the most in common vernacular, so that’s exactly what they did.
So what was the result? We have this historical fork in Jewish Aramaic classification and Syriac Aramaic classification, and for the longest time, never the twain would meet; however, in modern times, this generally has not been too much of a big deal. A new convention has been adopted by listing both the Absolute and Emphatic forms, one after another. The best of both worlds.
Now where does this leave us with the photo I showed you at the top of the page? Well, the owner believes that they have the word for “Grandfather” tattooed on their back.
Now, if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it hundreds of times on this blog: If you are planning on obtaining a tattoo in Aramaic (or any other foreign language for that matter) do not rely upon anything less than an expert who is able to explain every detail of what they give you.
The Call for Papers is now open and updated for the Aramaic Studies section of the 2008 SBL conference.
Aramaic Studies
The Aramaic studies section is intended to provide a forum for scholars interested in various aspects of Aramaic language and its literature. Previous paper topics have included aspects of the Targumim, Qumran Aramaic, Peshitta, Samaritan papyri, and Elephantine Aramaic. The call for papers is open to any submissions in Aramaic studies. A brief business session will also be held to discuss the future of Aramaic studies.
All questions should be directed to Christian Brady (cbrady@psu.edu).
Perhaps I should actually sit down and write something this time around. 🙂