Category Archives: Aramaic Blog

The Three Little Pigs in Galilean Aramaic


The Three Little Pigs’ proof arrived yesterday and I’ve sent out all of the final changes. Fairly soon it will be available for purchase on and other major bookseller outlets!

In the meantime, Pre-Orders are available over on Aramaic Designs for the paperback, audiobook, and a DRM free digital copy (PDF) which you can check out by clicking hereΒ and if you use the coupon code LITTLEPIGS you can get 10% off each of them. πŸ™‚

If anyone would like a review copy for their blog or another publication, please email me at with the details.


Shakespeare in Early Modern English vs. Jesus in Galilean Aramaic?

No, this isn’t some epic battle or what not, but more a brilliant metaphor for what can be seen when one looks at the New Testament through Aramaic eyes.

When one recites Shakespeare in its original accent, there are puns and wordplay that leap off the page that are simply not there in modern language. In the same manner, when one looks at the words of Jesus and his early followers in Aramaic, one sees things that they cannot even fathom in Greek or English.

Note to self: If I’m ever in London, I need to check out one of the Globe performances in OP. πŸ™‚


Israel Recognizes “Aramean” as an Ethnicity


Efforts to legally differentiate between Christian and Muslim Arabs bore fruit on Tuesday as Interior Minister Gideon Saar ordered that the population registry recognize a separate Aramean identity.

Christians who identify with the ancient people can decide to register as Arameans instead of Arabs.

Read the rest here.
